4525 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 208
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tel 323.930.6039
Fax 323.930.0407

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should consist of a one-page query letter detailing the book as well as the qualifications of the author. For fiction, submissions may also include the first ten pages of the novel or one short story from a collection.

Our primary areas of interest include literary and commercial fiction and narrative nonfiction.  We do not consider business, how-to, photography books, poetry, screenplays, self-help or Westerns.

Cornerstone Literary Inc. charges no reading fees.

If sending a query via post, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Cornerstone Literary Inc.
4525 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 208,
Los Angeles, CA 90010

We receive hundreds of queries each month, and make every effort to give each one careful consideration.  We appreciate your patience in waiting 6-8 weeks for a response before contacting us with a gentle reminder.

You may also send queries to info@cornerstoneliterary.com.   We cannot guarantee a response to queries submitted electronically due to the volume of queries received.

© 2011 Cornerstone Literary Agency